
Family Wellness Roanoke- Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare

2720 Liberty Road NW
Phone: 540-982-1427 ext 5154
Business Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm by appointment onlyEmail: clevasseur@brbh.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Family Wellness Roanoke is supported by Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, Prevention and Wellness Services, which provides a variety of evidence based programs that are designed to strengthen families by promoting positive family interactions and resiliency. We are funded through a grant from the Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services. 

Make Parenting A Pleasure® Second Edition is an evidence-based program designed to strengthen parents and caregivers of children birth-teen through interactive group activities and skill-building sessions. Emphasis is on the importance of individual self-care and stress management, along with strategies for creating strong parent/child bonds, all of which become the solid foundation that children need to succeed in today’s world.

Nurturing Hope- On Demand Webinars on Various Topics for Parents and Caregivers who are Caring for a Child with Special Needs Diagnoses or Significant Medical Challenges. 

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) trainings.